Cré Compostable Scheme

Brennans Bread – Compostable Packaging

The recent news that the distinctive yellow packaging of the popular sliced pan from Brennans Bread is now compostable was widely welcomed by all.


The Cré certification team worked with the brand to certify that the packaging will completely compost in Irish waste facilities.  We are delighted that such a high-profile food producer is taking the issue of sustainability so seriously.

A Brennans survey showed that 84% did not know that it was possible to recycle or compost such packaging, so this initiative is a great leap in consumer education around sustainable packaging.  The recent media campaign from Brennans has attracted much attention.   Any positive news around sustainable packaging is welcome and this exposure has emphasised the need to provide what the consumer wants and our planet needs.


There is still much confusion around what can be placed in the food waste bins so such a strong message from a top Irish brand is very welcome.   Brennans Bakeries are a big supporter of sustainability and reducing its environmental impact.  The look and feel of the packaging have not changed but now the consumer will know that the wax paper wrapping can be disposed of in the food waste bin.

Environmentally Responsible

Throughout the media campaign, the spokesperson for Brennans reinforced their message of their commitment to become more environmentally responsible. “We know how important the issue of sustainability is to our customers, and it is extremely important to all of us at Brennans Bread too”

The Cré compostable scheme aims to give confidence to Irish users that the product is compostable and is accepted in the food waste bin.  This will encourage the use of packaging that is compostable as it will be driven by consumer demand.  There will also be no confusion as to what goes in which bin, therefore leading to a higher percentage of packaging being composted rather than ending up in landfill.